“Inspiring others to align intentions with action.”

Life is like the ocean.
We start out smooth sailing: carefree, young and foolish. Waves begin to form, tides rise, and we encounter rocky waters. Expectations of others, pressures of society, and difficult experiences can add up. The waves come crashing down and we are forced to acknowledge the fact that…
We aren’t prioritizing our goals, our dreams, and ourselves.
It might feel practically impossible to emerge from the deep sea. Fear, doubt, and negative self-talk cause your ship to wreck. Your dreams and aspirations leave with the waves while we are left empty and unfulfilled.

Here’s how I can help.
Align & Inspire aims to bridge the gap of intention to action. Our programs provide affordable and accessible self-development knowledge for you to accomplish your goals. We specialize in self-actualization, acceptance, and love through action.
Let me help you calm the waves.

What to expect.
Align & Inspire hosts virtual group growth programs. Each program offers two convenient zoom meetings, a free developmental workbook, and a safe and confidential space to grow. All programs are free to ensure everyone has access to growth.